Practical information

Opening hours, closing days and directions for Golf de Seignosse in the Landes.

Opening hours

The golf club is open every day from:

  • 8.30 am to 6 pm (low season)
  • 7.30 am to 7 pm (high season)

Golf club closing days

Golf de Seignosse is closed on 25 December and 1 January.

Getting there by car

Golf de Seignosse
Avenue du Belvédère
40510 Seignosse

Getting there by train

35 minutes by car from Dax station and 40 minutes from Biarritz station.

Getting there by plane

40 minutes by car from Biarritz Pays Basque Airport and 110 minutes from Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport.

Waiting list

This tournament is sold out. Complete your email and we will contact you if seats become available.

Thank you. We’ll get back to you as soon as there’s a spot available.
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